We have changed the format of this page to focus on research papers
(published and unpublished) that contain rotational subject matter or
other items of interest to the Civil Engineering and Seismic communities.
If you wish to
submit a paper which contains rotational subject matter, please attach
it to an e-mail in Word, HTML, or Adobe (pdf) format, and
send to support@eentec.com.
1) Rotational
Data From the Taiwan Earthquake (ppt)
This presentation
prepared by Prof Liu, Academia Sinica and others detail the analysis
of rotational seismic data obtained from the R-1
rotational seismometer and broadband seismometers from the September
26th, 2005 Taiwan Earthquake.
2) Tilts
in Strong Ground Motion
This is paper published by Vladimer Graizer discusses how tilting of
the strong motion Accelographs base can severely impact its response
to ground motion.
3) Effects
of Tilt on Strong Motion Data Processing
This paper published by Vladimer Grazer discusses ignoring tilt sesnitvity
may produce unreliable results, especially in calculations of permanent
displacement and long-period calculations.
4) Laboratory
and Field Testing of Two Rotational Seismometers (UCLA and USGS)
This is a presentation at the AGU workshop on rotational seismology.
Graphs are for the eentec R-1 rotational seismometer, the other prototype
sensor was returned to the factory due to instability
A Note On The Useable Dynamic Range....
This paper written by Prof. Trifunac and
Prof. Todorovska from University of Southern California and published
in Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering details the need
for rotational data in strong motion recording. Another interesting
point is made... "that recording only translational accelerations
with 18 and 19 bit recorders, without recording rotation is costly and
not necessary".
6) Presentation
On Non-Traditional Broadband Sensor (ppt)
This paper was presented at the Seismic Sensor Workshop addressing future
advances in seismic sensor technology. It was hosted by the Air Force
Research Lab on September 23rd and 24th of 2004.